Do you struggle to stay on track during travel? Want to avoid the dreaded ten pound vacation weight gain and come home feeling your best? Need some ideas of what to pack to maintain your real food or keto lifestyle? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki troubleshoot common travel pitfalls, discuss favorite travel hacks and snacks to pack. Plus get tips to ensure your supplement game is strong so you can avoid bloat and digestive distress and support your immune system.


In this Episode, Ali and Becki discuss upcoming travel plans and the snacks, supplements and gadgets that keep them sane on vacation. While travel can derail clean eating, it can also be an opportunity to explore regional cuisine and experience other cultures. From gluten exposure to excessive alcohol to foodborne illness, vacations come with their own set of hazards. Learn how you can best prepare for your upcoming trip so you can return home rested and revitalized. Plus Ali answers your burning listener questions about the safety of detox during pregnancy and how to support bone health.


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