Liver Pills Recipe

LIVER PILLS RECIPE FOOD AS MEDICINE: Liver, which is often regarded as an old-school superfood, is making a resurgence in traditional foods communities, and rightly so! Grandma got something right—liver is incredibly rich in vitamins, minerals, quality protein and fat. It is particularly rich in nutrients that support optimal brain function, including the essential fatty…

Cabbage Slaw with Sesame-Miso Dressing Recipe

CABBAGE SLAW WITH SESAME-MISO DRESSING RECIPE FOOD AS MEDICINE: Cabbage is rich in Vitamin C and polyphenols, which protect the body from damage and inflammation.  The fiber in cabbage helps sequester excess cholesterol in the bowel and lower LDL levels. Glucosinolates, the sulfur-containing compound in cabbage, inhibits cancer development and helps protect against carcinogens in…

Almond Flour Chicken Picatta Recipe

ALMOND FLOUR CHICKEN PICATTA RECIPE FOOD AS MEDICINE: This quick and easy chicken picatta is breaded with almond flour, which is high in monounsaturated fats and Vitamin E, making it heart healthy and anti-inflammatory. The use of ghee helps to build a delicious, rich sauce that is also high in anti-inflammatory, anti-tumorigenic and heart disease…