health benefits of sunchokes

Health Benefits of Sunchokes

HEALTH BENEFITS OF SUNCHOKES FOOD AS MEDICINE: There are many health benefits of sunchokes! Known as a member of the sunflower family, this knobby ginger lookalike can be found in a tan or yellowish hue through a reddish purple. When raw, sunchokes have a nutty flavor and crunchy texture. Store sunchokes in a cool, dark…



Volumetrics Defined

VOLUMETRICS DEFINED Volumetrics is the principle of getting the most volume out of the least amount of calories. This concept can also be referred to as the energy density or caloric density of a food. When we break down foods into their macronutrients, we know that fat at 9 calories per gram is more than…


raw walnut fudge recipe

Raw Walnut Fudge Recipe

RAW WALNUT FUDGE RECIPE FOOD AS MEDICINE: This raw walnut fudge recipe is loaded with healthy fats from coconut oil! Coconut oil is a medium chain fatty acid that can rev up your daily caloric burn and aid in weight loss. Studies have shown that coconut oil can improve the ratio of good cholesterol (HDL)…


reasons why diets fail

5 Reasons Why Diets Fail

5 REASONS WHY DIETS FAIL For many, dieting is incredibly difficult. Dieting is like a roller coaster full of ups and downs and many people can’t stay on the ride for long. I’ve put together a list of 5 reasons why diets fail. Lack of prioritizing self This is the primary reason for failure of…


ketosis testimonial

Ketosis Testimonial

KETOSIS TESTIMONIAL The ketogenic diet can be used to successfully alter a patient’s metabolism, burn fat, tame cravings, and treat or prevent chronic disease. In our practice, we have experienced extreme changes in patients who participated in our group. Here is a ketosis testimonial from one of our Ketosis Weight Loss Group participants: “I learned how…


holiday cocktail recipes

Holiday Cocktail Recipes

HOLIDAY COCKTAIL RECIPES FOOD AS MEDICINE: Cocktails can be a big contributor to holiday weight gain, especially when laden with sugary fruit juices and store-bought mixers. Making your own cocktails using a few simple whole food ingredients lets you keep calories and carbs in check. Sparkling water adds bubbles and volume while not contributing more…


baked brie

Baked Brie with Walnuts and Figs Recipe

BAKED BRIE WITH WALNUTS AND FIGS RECIPE FOOD AS MEDICINE: Figs have been shown to ward off obesity-related diseases such as diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease. They also have bioactive and phenolic compounds including quercetin and anthocyanins with anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory properties and their soluble fiber helps to reduce LDL cholesterol. Figs are also packed…


bacon wrapped dates recipe

Bacon Wrapped Dates Recipe

BACON WRAPPED DATES RECIPE FOOD AS MEDICINE: Bacon is chock full of a very important nutrient called “choline,” which helps increase our intelligence and memory, from conception to Senior Status, and has been shown in university studies to help fight off the debilitating effects of Alzheimer’s Disease and other chronic mental impairments. Bacon provides us with substantial amounts…


healthy holiday cookie recipes

Healthy Holiday Cookie Recipes

HEALTHY HOLIDAY COOKIE RECIPES The holidays are in full swing! With all of the festivities surrounding us, it’s easy to succumb to the temptation of indulging in a few sweets. Instead of diving in head first into the jar of frosted cookies, consider mindful indulgence instead. Actually, mindful indulgence is an essential component to optimal…
