Food As Medicine Meal Plans for Cancer Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery!

Ali has dedicated her career to healing clients through food-as- medicine approaches and served as developer and implementer of a Food-As-Medicine protocol in a Stage-3 Breast Cancer Research Study through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) through MD Anderson.

Cancer prevention, treatment, and survivorship are significantly impacted by diet and lifestyle. This Food-As-Medicine e-book will ensure nutritional support to aid in detoxification, combat tumor growth, ease treatment side-effects, and prevent recurrence.

Everyone has potential cancerous cells in their body. It is our lifestyle that either provokes or inhibits cancer growth. Diet has an equal impact on both ends of the spectrum. This Food-As-Medicine E-book promotes the elimination of toxins and foods that fuel cancer cells while providing nutrient-dense foods to fight cancer and support your body!


It is estimated that up to 80% of cancer patients undergoing treatment are malnourished, which affects outcomes and treatment tolerance. Providing the body with food-as- medicine allows the healthy cells to withstand and quickly recover from treatment while limiting side effects and synergistically supporting the fight!

The Cancer Fighting E-book Includes:

  • 31 Real Food Recipes to fight or prevent cancer!
  • Food as Medicine Focus for each recipe
  • Optimal Eating
  • The Power of Protein and how much to eat
  • Hydration and Electrolytes
  • Food Frequency and Timing
  • Tips to cope with taste and texture aversions
  • Cancer-Fighting Superfoods


Food-As-Medicine Information for Cancer Care including:

  • Anti-angiogenesis foods (foods that inhibit tumor growth)
  • Health Fats and Best Choices
  • Detoxifying compounds list
  • Anti-Inflammatory Foods List
  • Estrogen Reducing Foods List
  • Immune Boosting Foods List
  • Detoxifying foods
  • Anti-inflammatory foods
  • What foods to avoid
  • And more!

All meal plans are whole foods based, gluten free, low glycemic, and focused on clean eating.

With our food-as-medicine recipes you can aggressively fight tumor growth while supporting your body with anti-inflammatory nutrients from clean non-processed foods. Feel confident that you are choosing the most health supporting foods to help reach your wellness goals!



“Ali is knowledgeable and experienced in cancer care, her e-book is an extension of her food-as-medicine interventions developed for MD Anderson Cancer Center and include an abundance of information for treatment, prevention, and remission support. During this stressful and trying time, I highly recommend Ali’s e-book as a reference tool to provide guidance and reduce anxiety while empowering you with an ability to take control of your outcomes!”