Rooibos Gummies

ROOIBOS GUMMIES FOOD AS MEDICINE Gelatin is comprised of glycine and proline, two amino acids that are generally limited in the American diet as they are found abundant in organs, bones, and fibrous animal tissues not commonly consumed. The amino acids contribute to healthy skin with promoting collagen formation as well as promoting hair and…

Mini Meatloaves with Liver and Bacon

MINI MEATLOAVES WITH LIVER AND BACON FOOD AS MEDICINE Liver, which is often regarded as an old-school superfood, is making a resurgence in traditional foods communities, and rightly so! Grandma got something right—liver is incredibly rich in vitamins, minerals, quality protein and fat. It is particularly rich in nutrients that support optimal brain function, including…

Brazil Nut Milk Two Ways

BRAZIL NUT MILK TWO WAYS FOOD AS MEDICINE Selenium is essential for the conversion of T4 (inactive) to T3 (active) thyroid hormone and can have anti-inflammatory activity in thyroid-specific autoimmune disease. Selenium-containing enzymes function in a protective “detox” capacity, preserving the integrity of the thyroid gland when we’re under all kinds of stress — oxidative, chemical,…