Do you deal with endometriosis, adenomyosis, painful sex or period drama? Often we only think about the uterus, or womb, as the place where a baby grows when a woman is pregnant. But various forms of autoimmune, inflammatory, hormone imbalance, and even conditions such as thyroid problems can drive problems in this important organ. Learn about endometriosis, adenomyosis, painful sex, fibroids and more.


In this episode, we discuss the symptoms, diagnosis and root causes of endometriosis, adenomyosis, fibroids and beyond. Learn how oxidative stress can play a major role and how antioxidants like curcumin and n-acetyl cysteine can play a major role in reducing symptoms. We share our best supplement strategy for endometriosis, discuss how toxicity and microbiome play a role, and of course discuss food-as-medicine recommendations for managing pain and resolving from the root cause. 


Also in this episode:


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This episode is sponsored by FOND Bone Broth Tonics, Your Sous Chef in a Jar. FOND is slow simmered and lovingly tended from simmer to seal. They partner with organic farms and hand-pick and pair ingredients to optimize absorption and taste. Use code ALIMILLERRD to save at



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