Are you ready to get back to an ancestral way of eating, sleeping and moving? Want to know what we think is missing in a modern day Westernized approach and where we’ve gone so wrong? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki discuss ancestral approaches to functional movement, sleep habits, fasting and eating and how we can apply these concepts to our daily lives.
In this episode, Ali and Becki take on the concept of ancestral health beyond the popular diet trends and labels. When we look at the diet and lifestyle of our ancestors, there are many aspects that we have gotten away from that can be beneficial such as intermittent fasting, eating the whole animal and moving our bodies. Learn tips and tricks that you can easily incorporate into your daily life to get ancestral without going back to the cave!
Also in This Episode:
- The Anti-Anxiety Diet
- Virtual Food As Medicine Ketosis Class
- Functional Movement
- Grounding and Earthing
- Episode 66: Overexercising
- Sleep
- Eating Frequency
- Food Selection and Being a Locavore
- Avoiding Food-like Substances
- Gut Health and the Microbiome
- The Importance of Community
- Our Ancestral Manifesto:
- Reconnect with Nature, Walk barefoot, Observe the Moon
- Move Your Body at Least 1 Hour Per Day
- Sleep For 7-9 Hours Per Night and Practice Rest to Recharge During the Day
- Reduce Frequency of Eating, Practice Fasting
- Eat Seasonally, Forage and Buy Locally!
- Eat the Whole Animal!
- Find Your Tribe and if You Need to, Create It!
This episode is sponsored by Further Food, a female owned and operated company that provides the highest quality food as medicine supplements including their Collagen Peptides and Daily Turmeric Tonic.