Miso Healthy Salad

MISO HEALTHY SALAD FOOD AS MEDICINE: Cruciferous vegetables contain sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinols (IC3s) which drive the phase 2 detox pathways functioning to excrete carcinogenic substances, prevent precancerous cell growth and promote Natural Killer cells (NK cells) to build an army against cancer. Turmeric contains powerful anti-inflammatory activity from curcumin, which inhibits the growth of cancer…


BRAISED CABBAGE FOOD-AS-MEDICINE The anti-inflammatory effects of cabbage come from it being rich in Vitamin C and also containing polyphenols. These compounds help by deactivating oxidized molecules in the body, which are known to cause damage and inflammation to cells. The fiber in cabbage helps sequester excess cholesterol in the bowel and lower LDL levels.…