STRESS AND DIGESTION Throughout people’s quest for the ideal diet and ultimate wellness, many underestimate the importance of the mind when evaluating their health. One of the first things that I ask my clients is to rank their stress level and determine the primary causes of stress in their lives. Following an assessment of how…


GINGERED APPLE CRUMBLE This crumble contributes just enough sweetness for a dessert while providing soluble fiber and anti-inflammatory effects. Apples contain flavonoids including quercetin which is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-tumorigenic. Ginger juice is made by chopping fresh peeled ginger finely and smashing the pulp between two spoons, this is a great way to add zing…


MISO-HEALTHY CANCER FIGHTING SALAD FOOD IS MEDICINE! NURTURE OR LIFESTYLE PLAYS A GREATER ROLE THAN NATURE OR GENETICS IN CANCER!  The most common cancers that effect us in the West (breast, colon, prostate) are 10-60xs more prevalent than areas such as Asia and yet, population studies have identified the same amount of precancerous cells in…


MEDITERRANEAN CHICKPEA SALAD This salad is a great food-as-medicine approach to lowering cholesterol levels, busting belly fat, fighting off breast cancer, and maintaining bowel regularity! The fiber in chickpeas is predominantly soluble fiber which helps to pull toxins out of the body and sequester excess cholesterol. The fresh squeezed lemon juice helps to cleanse the…

Blueberry Pumpkin Seed Oat Bars

BLUEBERRY PUMPKIN SEED OAT BARS FOOD AS MEDICINE: This recipe satisfies your sweet tooth while keeping your blood sugar levels on track! The soluble fiber in the rolled oats works to slow the breakdown of carbohydrates into sugar while lowering cholesterol levels. Almond butter serves as a healthy fat and protein source to sustain energy…

Ali Miller RD|Raw Okra Pods


FOOD AS MEDICINE: OKRA OKRA IS TREATMENT FOR: High Cholesterol Inflammation Joint pain Colitis IBS Weight loss Okra is a nutrient-dense addition to any meal that provides significant health benefits. Okra is a vegetable with mucilaginous compounds that can work to balance blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol, and improve digestion. This mucilage or mucus-like soluble…