Brussels Sprouts with Bacon & Cranberries

BRUSSLES SPROUTS WITH BACON & CRANBERRIES FOOD-AS-MEDICINE: Brussels sprouts have a wide array of health benefits ranging from cardiovascular health, cancer prevention and detoxifying properties. Sulforaphane compounds in Brussels sprouts are known to promote anti-inflammatory activity in the cardiovascular system and help repair any damage in the blood vessels. Being a sulfur-rich vegetable, the body…


BRAISED CABBAGE FOOD-AS-MEDICINE The anti-inflammatory effects of cabbage come from it being rich in Vitamin C and also containing polyphenols. These compounds help by deactivating oxidized molecules in the body, which are known to cause damage and inflammation to cells. The fiber in cabbage helps sequester excess cholesterol in the bowel and lower LDL levels.…


FOOD-AS-MEDICINE: ONIONS Onions along with garlic, leeks, shallots, and scallions, are members of the pungent sulfur-containing allium family. These foods all contribute as aromatics in culinary applications and potent detoxifiers in the food-as-medicine realm. Onions are a great source of antioxidants and polyphenols, two of the most potent are glutathione and quercetin. These compounds are…


DETOX DIET BASICS Your body has the natural ability to rid itself of toxins and waste; however, most of our systems are overwhelmed with far more toxins than the body can get rid of. Excess toxins and waste in the body can lead to depression, lack of energy, skin conditions, weight gain, joint pain, headaches,…