A great annual assessment of whole body health is the Micronutrient Test blood test which assesses 35 different vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants as a comprehensive report card to your nutritional status. Your lab will be reviewed in a customized email providing understanding of trends of why you may be deficient in areas of expression as well as food-as-medicine recommendations and strategic supplement recommendations.
Note: I strongly recommend taking my Multidefense for at least 1 month leading up to the panel to cover nutritional support as a baseline, then the micronutrient test will be additional needs over a high quality multivitamin.
Some of the most common diseases states diabetes, heart disease, stroke, hypertension, and cancer, can be assessed with metabolic markers included in the Cardiometabolic Panel. This panel includes sensitive risk factors that can be used to develop interventions as powerful influencers on your health. The Cardiometabolic panel includes a blood sugar assessment with HgbA1C% for a 3-month measure as well as fasting insulin at other markers of metabolism such as adiponectin and leptin. Beyond the standard cholesterol screen provided, this panel includes lipoprotein particle size and cascade, as well as blood clot risk with LpA, and marker of methylation homocysteine. For an assessment of inflammation, this lab uses C-Reactive Protein (CRP) and an OmegaCheck score which measures your omega-3 anti-inflammatory to omega-6 proinflammatory ratio providing guidance on omega-3 supplementation need and diet strategy to reduce proinflammatory food sources.
Even if weight loss is not a focus, the Weight Loss Plus Advanced Metabolic Panel serves as a good general wellness assessment including markers for liver and kidney function, inflammation with CRP, fasting insulin, and thyroid markers.
For those looking to nerd out and thoroughly understand their genetic influence, the Nutrigenomic 55 SNP panel, looks at single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), or genetic variants that can accurately identifies sites of metabolic weakness. This genetic panel uses saliva swabs to evaluate 55 of the most common researched and SNPs that can affect a patient’s Methylation, Neurotransmitter, Mitochondria, Detoxification and Inflammatory Potential. Abnormalities in specific polymorphisms can negatively affect many physiological and biochemical processes. Overcoming these metabolic weaknesses with the right supplement regimen allows each patient to maximize their genetic variations (SNPs) and maintain optimal health.